Stephen Burgess
My Story
This one is very close to my heart ❤️ so much so it's in my blood!
Almost exactly 12 years ago I was diagnosed with non hodgkin’s follicular lymphoma, a form of blood cancer, just a few months after my first child Calan was born. I eventually had to received chemotherapy treatment 10 years ago, just a couple of weeks after Leon my second child was born 💉
To honour this 10 year milestone, I have stayed off alcohol for the same period as I did during my treatment and I'm planning to finish off by running the Great Scottish half marathon run in October 🏃♂️
By doing this run I would like to bring attention to all the people with serious illnesses who need to maintain their busy lives while it is thrown completely upside down. During this period I reacted with internal confusion, stress and anxiety. For years I lived in complete fear and denial as I saw my condition as a weakness and refused to truly open up about it. The reality has actually been the complete opposite, it has made me stronger in so many ways 💪
As a society I feel we need to further break down these barriers to ensure serious illness is not seen as a taboo subject, particularly in our workplaces. This can be done by offering a supporting environments that allows people to be completely open and honest to approach these hard times with far less fear to their livelihood 🤗
Scottish Power have recently started an internal employee campaign around
“Its OK NOT 2B OK”
It is through these types of educational initiatives that we can break down the fear and stress, allowing people to face up to their new reality in a psychologically safe environment.
Please support me in raising money for Cancer Research UK. This great charity is dedicated to saving lives through research, influence and information.
Their mission is 👇
“For Longer, better lives free from the fear of cancer”
This is the ultimate dream for all of us! ❤️